Lino Coria Mendoza

My decision to embrace these tools comes from two places: 1) My students are using them already. It’s better for me to teach them how to use them correctly, and 2) I have a responsibility to help my students get ready for their futures in an industry that is already using these tools. Employers are going to want them to know how to use them.

Lino Coria Mendoza
Associate Teaching Professor, Khoury College of Computer Science

In my introductory courses, I wait a bit before encouraging my students to use AI for their own work. Similarly, when my daughter was very young, there were times when she was not allowed to use a calculator, so she developed these kinds of perspectives. If you asked her what three hundred multiplied by two is, she might not have gotten it exactly right, but she could tell you for sure that it wasn’t two million. Later, when she grew up, it was appropriate for her to use a calculator because she had developed those sensibilities from close contact with the numbers and operations. I feel it’s important that my students first develop an understanding of coding. That’s why, in my introductory courses, we only use Copilot in the second half of the semester.

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