Course Subject: | Intro to Information Systems and Digital Technologies |
Student Level: | Undergraduate/mixed years |
Number of Students: | Approximately 40 |
Developed by: | Martin Dias, Associate Teaching Professor, D’Amore-McKim School of Business |
What Students Did
Used AI tools to generate multiple mind maps of course concepts across multiple rounds.
Learning Goals and Purpose
Students learned to apply systems thinking and critical thinking skills by actively using mind mapping tools to organize, synthesize, and analyze various concepts and emerging trends.
Faculty Reflections
Overall, this was an incredibly valuable experience for students because they had an opportunity to experiment in a low stakes environment. Results were uneven across students, depending on their comfort with the technology and willingness to take risks. Based on observations, about 25% of the students were happy to experiment and risk failure. These students helped to drive the conversation in a way that benefited the other students. The less comfortable students stated that they would not have tried the activity on their own.
Step-by-Step Student Instructions
Step 1 | Sign up and then log onto the web-based ChatUML tool. |
Step 2 | Enter a prompt to generate a mind map that shows the relationships among concepts we have learned about in the current unit.
Step 3 | Evaluate the quality of the mind map based upon the 4 criteria provided:
Step 4 | Refine the prompt to improve the output. |
Step 5 | Re-evaluate and refine as needed. |
Step 6 | Download a PNG file of the mind map. Submit the file and your evaluation of the mind map in Canvas. |
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