Tuesday, May 3, & Wednesday, May 4, 2022

2022 Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning

Building Community and Equity Through Teaching and Learning


The Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning brought together educators from across Northeastern’s global network to showcase and inspire research and evidence-based practice in teaching and learning. This year’s virtual conference focused on building community and equity across Northeastern’s rich constellation of learning opportunities.

In educational contexts, the term “evidence-based” means both designing educational experiences based on findings from research on learning, student development, and other related fields, and carrying out structured inquiries that collect and analyze evidence to further understand learning. This year’s formats included presentations, workshops, roundtables, and posters.

Northeastern’s holistic, lifelong approach to learning recognizes that everyone involved in a learner’s educational experience is an educator. We invited faculty, staff, administrators, post-doctoral fellows, and undergraduate and graduate students from all Northeastern campuses to attend. We also welcomed community and industry partners to co-present with their Northeastern collaborators.

Building Community and Equity Through Teaching and Learning

This year’s virtual conference focused on building equity and community across all learning opportunities at Northeastern. In teaching and learning, equity and community intersect in powerful ways. Equity draws our attention to the need for opportunities and support that make the achievement of learning outcomes possible for every learner. Community draws our attention to how we create these opportunities and provide this support, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives and fostering connection and belonging with each other.

The ways in which we build equity and community can take many forms. Possible aspects of teaching and learning that conference presenters addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • Building community in different contexts, at different scales, and in various modalities
  • Building equity into the access, design, and assessment of learning
  • Co-creating learning experiences with all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and community and industry partners
  • Making connections across contexts, from academia and industry to campus and community
  • Sustaining our commitment to building equity and community when we encounter challenges

Conference SharePoint Site

While the conference is now over, you can still access poster presentations and resources shared by presenters on our CAEBL SharePoint site.

The keynote address by Dr. Anneliese Singh will be available on the CAEBL SharePoint site until June 28. Once you log in with your NU credentials, you’ll be able to request access which will be approved by the CATLR team. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Session Formats

All of this year’s conference sessions were held virtually. This year’s formats included:

  • Presentation (30 minutes, synchronous virtual) – A presentation gives attendees the opportunity to learn about a presenter’s research question and findings, or educational innovation and the research that informs it (20 minutes). Each presentation includes time for discussion and Q&A (10 minutes).
  • Workshop (60 minutes, synchronous virtual) – A workshop gives attendees the opportunity to learn about an educational innovation and the theory, research, or other evidence that informs it. Attendees will engage with the facilitator in reflection and application activities as they consider adapting this innovation in their own contexts.
  • Roundtable (60 minutes, synchronous virtual) – A roundtable gives attendees the opportunity to engage with facilitators around an educational innovation or research in early stages of development, and exchange feedback on the topic. Attendees will engage with facilitators to explore the potential of this innovation, both in general and in their own contexts. While proposals from individual presenters are welcome, we encourage proposals from multiple facilitators who represent diverse roles and perspectives.
  • Poster (asynchronous virtual via conference site) – A poster gives attendees the opportunity to explore a colleague’s research question and findings, or educational innovation and the research that informs it. Posters may be accompanied by audio, video, or other artifacts to deepen attendees’ understanding and share artifacts for others to use.


Please contact CATLR by email ([email protected]) or phone (+1.617.373.3157) with any questions regarding the conference.

One of the most valuable aspects of the conference was learning about all the incredible work the Northeastern community is engaged in.

2021 Conference Attendee


If you have any questions, email [email protected].