Self-Paced: Introduction to Teaching with Generative AI

Introduction to Teaching with Generative AI is a set of self-paced modules, available through Canvas. The modules are designed for Northeastern faculty who are just beginning to learn about Generative AI, considering how they might want to incorporate Generative AI into their teaching and learning process.  The modules are available to all faculty, staff, and students who have active Northeastern accounts.

Each Canvas module contains examples of how NU faculty are using AI in their teaching now, along with short (less than 4 minutes) video introductions featuring faculty talking about their own process of learning to teach with AI and sharing lessons learned.  The modules each take about an hour to complete and they address the following questions:

  1. What is Generative AI?
  2. How Can Generative AI Enhance Teaching and Learning?
  3. How Can I Address Concerns About Using Generative AI in Teaching and Learning?
  4. How Do I Go About Designing an AI Assignment or Activity?

Ready to explore? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Click this link to access a self-enroll page: Introduction to Teaching with Generative AI (opens in new tab)
  2. Click the red Enroll in Course button in the upper right corner of the page. Click Go to the Course, and you’re in!

NOTE: NOTE: These modules are self-paced and therefore not moderated. You will need to use your Northeastern credentials when enrolling in this course. For additional questions, please contact [email protected]