Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning



All times are displayed in Eastern Daylight Time. The Virtual Poster Gallery will be accessible to registered attendees on the conference SharePoint site before, during and after the conference . To view a PDF version of the schedule or on the image below. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

10:15 – 10:30 AM (ET)
Welcome and Opening


10:30-11:45 AM (ET)

[See Keynote Details]

Keynote Address: “Reimagining Higher Education with Artificial Intelligence”

Chris Dede

12:00-12:30 PM (ET)

[See Abstracts]

Concurrent Sessions

Leveraging AI to Support Teaching and Learning: Insights from a Collaborative Ethnographic Project

Project-based Hands-on Activities to Introduce Hardware in Software-focused Courses

Reflections on Piloting a Flipped Course Design in the Co-op Preparation Curriculum

How Experiential Learning Models Provide a Roadmap to Success

Experience Expo- The Heart of Transformative Learning

Shakespeare and AI: Using New Technologies to Teach and Learn about the Plays of William Shakespeare

Facilitating Deeper Conceptual Understanding with AI-generated Feedback

12:45-1:15 PM (ET)

[See Abstracts]

Concurrent Sessions

Empowering Students to Embrace their Agency and Ethics through Collaborative Generative AI Boundaries

Hands-On, Minds-On Experiential Learning in a Research Co-op Setting: 10 Years of Lessons Learned

Evaluating Information Literacy Threshold Concepts in an Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Literature Project

Understanding Access and Support for Underrepresented Student Populations

Empty Syllabi and Student Partnerships: When Learners Design the Learning

The Student Multi-Media E-Portfolio: Revealing the Intersection of Experience and Attainment of Outcomes

1:45-2:45 PM (ET)

[See Keynote Details]

Keynote Address: “AI’s Implications for the Higher Education Classroom: Preparing Students for Success During and Beyond College”

C. Edward Watson, Ph.D


3:00 PM-3:45 PM (ET)

[See Abstracts]

Concurrent Sessions

Navigating the Integration of Generative AI into the Graduate School of Education

AI-Supported Assessment in Higher Education: Developing an AI Assessment Policy

CATLR Scholars: Prior Knowledge, Peer Feedback, and the Use of Generative AI to Support Just-in-Time Teaching

Co-Op Integrated Advanced Writing in the Disciplines: A Pilot Program for the Technical and Health Professions

Promoting Students’ Collaboration and Participation in Class

3:00-3:45 PM (ET)

[See Abstracts]

Interactive Poster Sessions

Leveraging Modules and Digital Badging: Experiential Learning in Business Education

Engaging Humanities Students with Entrepreneurship:  A Student’s Perspective

Bridging the Gap: A Cross-campus Initiative to Create and Support Professional Networking for 2nd Degree Nursing Students

CONNECTIONS – GE4900 Career Management 20+ Years of Transformative Impact through Experiential Learning

Small Ideas for Big Changes: Increasing Engagement in Large Classes

Navigating the Landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs): Insights from a C++ Course

4:00-4:30 PM (ET)

[See Abstracts]

Concurrent Sessions

AI in Education: From Intimidation to Innovation 

Student Self-Development in the Global Co-op Search: Cultivating Self-Efficacy, Resilience, and Program Growth

Enhancing Experiential Learning through Collaborative Sense-Making Conversations

Bridging Worlds: Learning through Virtual Reality

Scenario-Based Formative Assessments in Online Instruction

4:00 PM-4:30 PM (ET)

[See Abstracts]

Interactive Poster Sessions

Anti-racist Teaching, Learning and Mentoring: Collaboration between a White Educator and a Black Student

Chemistry Graduate Students’ and Faculty’s Understanding of Copyright Law

Educational Development at the Network Science Institute: Professional Development and Experiential Learning

Mindset Development using the Grid Power Generation Module (GPGM)

The Nepal Medical Immersion Clinical Practicum for Nurse Practitioner Students

Undergraduate and Graduate Mathematics Education in the Era of AI

Teaching the Values of Creativity and Originality in the Age of AI through Poetry and Authentic Assessment



If you have any questions, email [email protected].