Hybrid NUflex

We support educators in creating inclusive, flexible learning experiences for both remote and on-ground learners using the Hybrid NUflex model.

For many educators, Northeastern’s Hybrid NUflex model is a new approach to teaching and learning. Students may be participating in real-time class sessions in the classroom or from a remote location. In addition, learning activities will involve multiple technologies, locations, and environments that can benefit from extra attention to processing and making meaning of content.

Despite the uniqueness of Hybrid NUflex, we can look to existing evidence-based teaching practices for guidance on how to maximize students’ learning. Below are key recommendations for teaching your Hybrid NUflex course, which you can explore in our related tips and resources:

  • Design a learning sequence that carefully weaves together in-class and between-class learning activities
  • Establish a welcoming atmosphere that creates a sense of belonging
  • Provide opportunities for students to actively engage in learning
  • Build collaboration into learning activities
  • Deepen learning with writing and reflection
  • Deepen learning with feedback
  • Gather and respond to students’ feedback on their experiences in the course

For more information on Hybrid NUflex, visit nuflex.northeastern.edu.

Hybrid NUflex Educator Insights

View and contribute to a collection of great ideas for teaching and learning in Hybrid NUflex at Northeastern