Join us virtually on Tuesday, May 4, & Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning

Fostering Equity and Inclusion Across Learning Environments


The Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning brings together educators from across Northeastern’s global network to showcase and inspire research and evidence-based practice in teaching and learning. This year’s virtual conference focuses on fostering equity and inclusion across Northeastern’s rich constellation of learning opportunities.

In educational contexts, the term “evidence-based” means both designing educational experiences based on findings from research on learning, student development, and other related fields, and carrying out structured inquiries that collect and analyze evidence to further understand learning. The conference highlights contributions across the spectrum of evidence-informed approaches to enhance teaching and learning at Northeastern.

The conference featured a blend of research presentations, interactive workshops, and World Café sessions, all focused on the exchange of ideas. In addition to these synchronous sessions, we featured virtual posters and other asynchronous ways to engage with each other during the conference and beyond.

Northeastern’s holistic, lifelong approach to learning recognizes that everyone involved in a learner’s educational experience is an educator. We had faculty, staff/co-curricular educators, administrators, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students from all Northeastern campuses to join us for two days of presentations, discussions, and exchanges.

CAEBL Canvas Site

Did you miss the 2021 Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning, or are you looking to revisit materials that inspired you? We are excited to announce that all Northeastern educators can now self-enroll in our CAEBL 2021 Canvas site! In our Canvas site, you will find:
  • Recording, slides, and references from our keynote session with Dr. Mays Imad
  • Full version of the beautiful digital sketch above, presenting ideas from the World Café session and other World Café artifacts
  • Materials from our presenters’ research presentations, workshops, and other sessions
  • Virtual posters you can view and comment on

Click here to view a short video tour of our post-conference space, highlighting how to navigate the site and what materials are available.

Fostering Equity and Inclusion Across Learning Environments

This year’s virtual conference focused on fostering equity and inclusion across Northeastern’s rich constellation of learning opportunities. Respecting, validating, and welcoming all learners’ experiences is the foundation for creating inclusive, equitable learning environments. We strive to support all learners in developing the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive, now and in the future.

The ways in which we engage in fostering equity and inclusion can take many forms, including:

  • Exploring the role of social identities (e.g., race, ethnicity, age, gender identity and expression, disability status) and the impact of educator and learner positionality in teaching and learning
  • Designing flexible learning environments to address the needs of all learners
  • Creating and fostering community in hybrid and virtual environments
  • Integrating trauma-informed pedagogy and practices
  • Embodying and implementing antiracist pedagogy and practices
  • Using curriculum- and program-level frameworks for equity and inclusion
  • Engaging in pedagogical partnership in curricular and co-curricular contexts
  • Advancing from critical inquiry and reflection to action

Conference Details

All of this year’s conference sessions were held virtually. Participants had the opportunity to engage in a variety of formats, including:

  • Research Presentations (synchronous) – In this 20-minute virtual session, the facilitator gives a 15-minute presentation of their evidence-based inquiry or research question and findings, with five minutes for participants to engage and ask questions.
  • Interactive Workshops (synchronous) – In this 75-minute virtual, interactive session, the facilitator presents theory-to-practice models of specific teaching strategies and educational approaches and engages participants in application-oriented activities.
  • World Café (synchronous)This 75-minute virtual session is an interactive, informal way to engage with colleagues around related driving questions and challenges in teaching and learning. In this format, each host facilitates three 15-minute breakouts on their specific question or challenge, inviting the exchange of ideas among participants. After participants have engaged in three breakouts, each host shares the main takeaways from their three breakouts as part of a full-group discussion led by a CATLR team member.
  • Virtual Poster Tour (asynchronous) This virtual version of a poster session features an online collection of posters for participants to explore. Topics may range from research projects to evidence-based teaching strategies and innovative educational models. Posters may be accompanied by audio, video, or other files to deepen participants’ understanding and share teaching artifacts for others to use.

For additional details about the conference, please visit the Keynote Speaker, Schedule, or Session Details pages.

I truly enjoyed the interesting presenters and encouraging, intellectual exchange around evidence-based learning!

2019 Conference Attendee


If you have any questions, email [email protected].