Spotlights Educator Spotlight: Christina Agostinelli-Fucile Assistant Teaching Professor Christina Agostinelli-Fucile (CSSH) discusses her use of open educational resources in her Spanish language courses.
Spotlights Educator Spotlight: Crissy McMartin-Miller To avoid burnout among instructors and to benefit our students, being strategic and scaling back the feedback can be liberating.
Online Learning Educator Spotlight: Darin Detwiler Associate Teaching Professor and Assistant Dean (College of Professional Studies) Darin Detwiler shared strategies for working with students in hybrid-flexible teaching contexts.
Spotlights Educator Spotlight: David Fannon Assistant Professor David Fannon (CAMD, COE) discusses integrating student feedback teams and team-based learning into his courses.
Spotlights Educator Spotlight: John Bleakney Associate Teaching Professor John Bleakney (COE) discusses creating a safe and open classroom climate.
Online Learning Educator Spotlight: Laurie Nardone An interview with educator Laurie Nardone about her hybrid interdisciplinary Advanced Writing in the Disciplines course.
Spotlights Educator Spotlight: Lorna Hayward Professor Hayward (Bouvé) discusses service-learning and other ways she engages her students to think holistically.
Spotlights Educator Spotlight: Mark Sivak Associate Teaching Professor Mark Sivak (CAMD, COE) discusses how the Teaching Fundamentals workshop helped him rethink his courses as well as shares his experience as a CALTR Teaching Inquiry Fellow and CATLR Teaching and Learning Scholar.
Spotlights Educator Spotlight: Rebeca Rosengaus Associate Professor and Associate Chair Rebeca Rosengaus (COS) discusses fostering inclusivity and diversity among students and faculty in the sciences.
Spotlights Educator Spotlight: Scott Edmiston Department Chair and Professor of the Practice Scott Edmiston (CAMD) discusses developing an assessment plan specific to the Theatre Department.
Spotlights Keynote Spotlight: Dr. Alison Cook-Sather Conference keynote Speaker Dr. Alison Cook-Sather (Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges) discusses pedagogical partnerships and creating support structures for dialogue between teachers and students.