Diversity and Inclusion Accessible Lecture Materials Accessibility is defined as making something (such as a lecture in a course) usable to as many people as possible.…
Foundations of Learning Active Learning Methods "The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn." - Herbert A. Simon
Teaching Strategies Active Learning Outputs Active learning techniques that create an output or artifact can provide concrete evidence of your students' thinking. (One post of a three-part series.)
Teaching Strategies Active Learning with Student Groups Students working in groups is a common method to increase engagement and activate learning. (One post of a three-part series.)
Teaching Strategies Active Question and Answer Techniques Some simple structures you can use on-the-fly to engage all your learners.
Assessment AI in Higher Ed: Teaching in an Era of ChatGPT and other AI Tools Recent advances in AI tools are being met with both intrigue and consternation in higher education. Consider ideas for using AI to improve and personalize student learning in addition to tips for deterring inappropriate use.
Teaching Strategies Aligning Course Learning Outcomes The process of backward design helps you align sessions and student work with desired learning outcomes, leading to deeper understanding
Diversity and Inclusion Becoming an Anti-racist Educator As we strive to push against existing racism, what does it look like to bring anti-racism into our work as educators?
Experiential Learning Before the Semester To communicate the importance of linking their past experiential learning activities to your course, include an explicit learning outcome about it on your syllabus.
Online Learning Building a Sense of Belonging and Community into an Online Course What is it and why is it important to online learning? Like many aspects of teaching, helping students develop a…
Diversity and Inclusion Checking and Addressing Our Implicit Biases Implicit biases can cause educators to unintentionally alter the way they interact with learners.
Teaching Strategies Collaborating With Learners on Gathering Feedback A feedback team is a small group of students who meet with an instructor throughout a course with the goal of enhancing learning.
Assessment Course Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes identify the specific knowledge and skills that one should be able to do at the end of the course.
Diversity and Inclusion Creating a Course Climate that Enhances Learning Even in the most content-focused course, climate plays a dramatic role in what, how much, and how effectively our students are able to learn.
Foundations of Learning Creating Manageable and Flexible Learning Pathways With Modularization Modularization is a process that extends the idea of modules to offer learners flexible pathways while also continuing to engage them in a purposeful learning experience.
Foundations of Learning Creating Outcomes that Guide Learning Focus on the knowledge and skills that you want students to acquire and be able to demonstrate at the end of a course, rather than on the nature of the content covered
Diversity and Inclusion Culturally Inclusive Teaching Strategies We are all shaped by our pasts—our backgrounds inevitably influence what we bring to the moment, how we experience it, and what we can learn from it as individuals.
Teaching Strategies Deepen Conceptual Understanding Through Writing-to-Learn Informal writing-to-learn activities can support student learning in powerful, process-focused ways.
Assessment Developing Rubrics A rubric communicates expectations for quality. It can be used to introduce, provide feedback on, and grade assignments.
Teaching Strategies Developing Skills and Promoting Skills Transfer Knowledge is not the same as knowledge that is usable in the future. Schooling is most impactful when students regularly transfer what they learn.
Foundations of Learning Driving Questions That Motivate Learning Learn to generate driving questions that encourage motivation, focus attention, and foster self-directed learning.
Online Learning Educator Spotlight: Laurie Nardone An interview with educator Laurie Nardone about her hybrid interdisciplinary Advanced Writing in the Disciplines course.
Teaching Strategies Effective In-Class Demonstrations While we value in-class demonstrations for the vividness of the experience, they can add nothing instructionally unless we ask students to predict the outcome first.
Diversity and Inclusion Engaging Learners With Universal Design for Learning Maximize flexibility and increase access for students with the Universal Design for Learning Framework.
Assessment Engaging Students as Producers Through Online Experiential Assignments Empowering students to be producers of online experiential projects increases learners’ engagement, skills, and attention to course concepts.
Foundations of Learning Facilitating Discussions Regardless of the size or format, certain factors can influence the extent to which a discussion “works” to deepen learning.
Reflection Faculty Peer Observation and Feedback Teaching is a complex activity, so peer observation and feedback processes must accommodate this complexity to be of greatest service to those who participate.
Teaching Strategies Faculty Peer Review: Adapting the Process to Your Context Establish goals for the observation and provide useful background information for the observer.
Teaching Strategies Flexible Learning in the New Normal Explore strategies for providing flexible support to your learners when they have unexpected–and even prolonged–absences.
Foundations of Learning Flipped Course Design Flipping the class moves passive learning outside of the classroom to make time in class for structured application.
Diversity and Inclusion Fostering Belonging Supporting students’ sense of belonging positively impacts their academic success and overall well-being.
Teaching Strategies Fostering Integrative Learning ePortfolios create opportunities for moments of insight and community in ways no other approach can.
Teaching Strategies Fostering Intellectual Agility through Mindfulness in the Classroom Mindfulness activities can strengthen students' habits of attention, equipping them for the hard work of learning transfer.
Teaching Strategies Giving Your Students the “Big Picture” Many educators are now discovering the many-faceted value of a “Course Graphic.”
Foundations of Learning Group Discussion Activity Design Basic principles can help you design powerfully-effective group discussion activities in any discipline.
Hybrid NUflex Hybrid Course Design Hybrid classes have a greater emphasis on out-of-class resources and interactions.
Foundations of Learning Inductive In-Class Activities for Deeper Learning In-class activities that leverage prior knowledge and create a need to know have the potential to foster deeper, more motivated…
Foundations of Learning Integrating Reflection Reflection enables students to connect theory to practice and generates the breakthrough moments that bring learning to the next level.
Diversity and Inclusion Interculturally Informed Teaching Enable students to practice intercultural connection with perspective-taking and tolerance for ambiguity.
Foundations of Learning Iterative and Incremental Assignments for Deeper Learning Feedback should serve as an interim step that guides students toward successfully achieving the assignment goals (Ambrose, 2010).
Foundations of Learning Learner-Centered Syllabus As a first artifact of the teacher-student relationship, the syllabus is a physical manifestation of how you view your students, your course and discipline--and what they can expect from their time with you.
Active Learning Leveraging A Challenge Project Course Template Explore CATLR's Challenge Project Course template, a tool you can use to build a project-based course in Canvas. With this model, students learn course content and skills inductively by conducting inquiry and analysis, and developing results in response to a “driving question.”
Success Leveraging the First Day of Class Mitigate student resistance to new approaches by using the first day of the course to elicit students’ expectations and connect their expectations with your course design and plan.
Assessment Listening to Student Perspectives on Fostering Academic Integrity How can educators foster academic integrity in their students? Bring student voices into the conversation.
Diversity and Inclusion Minimizing and Responding to Student Incivility Download Print Version of this Tip Many factors may be at play when a student engages in challenging or disruptive…
Experiential Learning Multidisciplinary Teaching Multidisciplinary teaching helps students learn how to tackle today’s complex problems.
Online Learning Online Course Development: A Roadmap Putting a course online challenges educators to transform content, activities, and their approach to interacting with students.
Teaching Strategies Pop-up Learning at Northeastern What is a "pop-up"? The term “pop-up” has been popping up a lot lately at Northeastern and in the world…
Success Proactively Developing a Positive Course Climate While some factors are beyond our control, we can proactively deploy specific practices to increase the likelihood that a positive, supportive “course climate” will prevail
Experiential Learning Project-Based Learning Successful Project-Based Learning experiences do not happen by accident. Strategy, structure, accountability and feedback unleash PBL's pedagogical promise.