Foundations of Learning Active Learning Methods "The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn." - Herbert A. Simon
Diversity and Inclusion Creating a Course Climate that Enhances Learning Even in the most content-focused course, climate plays a dramatic role in what, how much, and how effectively our students are able to learn.
Diversity and Inclusion Culturally Inclusive Teaching Strategies We are all shaped by our pasts—our backgrounds inevitably influence what we bring to the moment, how we experience it, and what we can learn from it as individuals.
Foundations of Learning Facilitating Discussions Regardless of the size or format, certain factors can influence the extent to which a discussion “works” to deepen learning.
Hybrid NUflex Hybrid Course Design Hybrid classes have a greater emphasis on out-of-class resources and interactions.
Foundations of Learning Supporting Learner Responsibility There is a balance to strike between supportive "scaffolding" and the motivating experience of choice.
Foundations of Learning The Power of Affirming One’s Values A values affirmation is one of the most studied self-affirmation interventions because it is through the lens of personal values that the self is evaluated.
Foundations of Learning Three Principles for Using Peer-Feedback Among Learners Sometimes the person who has just learned something is the very best teacher of it, so peer-feedback can be effective in ways instructor feedback cannot.