Invited Presentations and Workshops
Below you will find invited presentations and workshops led by members of the CATLR team. Authors who are CATLR team members are in bold so that you may connect directly with our experts.
Matthews-DeNatale, G., Yancey, K., Swinford, R. (2022, October). Exploring ePortfolios and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. AAC&U ePortfolio Institute.
Chittum, J. Chen, H., Matthews-DeNatale, G., Parnell, A., Yancey, K. (2022, January). The compelling case for ePortfolios: Teaching, learning, integration, and assessment. 2022-23 Institute on ePortfolios. AAC&U.
Sweet, M., Pujari, A., Sahu, V. (2022, April). Inside-out, outside-in: Fulfilling the promise of community in the team-based learning classroom. Keynote presentation at the annual conference of the international Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC). Conference held virtually.
Sweet, M. (2022, March). How team-based learning addresses cultural differences. Invited presentation to the Royal Society of Medicine. London, England (presented virtually).
Kelly, K., Matthews-DeNatale, G. (2021, January). Incorporating authentic and real world work into your online course. Virtual workshop for faculty institute. University of North Carolina, Pembroke.
Matthews-DeNatale, G. (2021, February). Transforming curiosities about learning into investigations: The scholarship of teaching and learning. Higher Education and Beyond: Promoting a Culture of Lifelong Learning through SoTL. Invited Workshop. Virtual, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Sweet, M. (2021, May). Activities for teaching analytical thinking skills. Invited workshop at Roxbury Community College’s Annual Spring Professional Development Day, Roxbury, MA.
Sweet, M. (2021, June). Team-Based Learning beyond multiple choice: Alternative formats for group discussion activities. Invited workshop for the Texas A&M College of Medicine, Round Rock, TX.
Chen, H., Kelly, K., Matthews-DeNatale, G. (2020, January). Defining the digital: Exploring digital literacy, learning, and ethics in an ePortfolio context. (Invited Plenary Speaker). Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C.
Ferracuti, A. (2020, February). Fostering belonging and intercultural engagement through contemplative practices. Invited Webinar, The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE).
Matthews-DeNatale. G. (2020, August). Supporting online learners: What matters most? (invited 2-part workshop on remote teaching). North Bennett Street School, Boston, MA.
Matthews-DeNatale, G. (2020, November). Strategies for increasing student engagement and motivation online. Laspau Teaching and Learning Innovation Program, Harvard University. Invited week-long online workshop for 1,000 Peru educators.
Matthews-DeNatale, G., Kelly, K., Chen, H. (2020, April). How can students generate evidence of their learning in a remote world? Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning. Virtual.
Sweet, M. (2020, January). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited plenary at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Core Educator Retreat, Baltimore, MD.
Sweet, M. (2020, July). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop for all Harvard Faculty, hosted by Harvard University’s Learning Incubator (Linc), Cambridge, MA.
Chen, H., Matthews-DeNatale, G. (2019, July). Digital ethics forum. (Invited co-facilitator). Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning annual conference, New York City, NY.
Chen, H., Matthews-DeNatale, G., Light, T., Watson, E., & Zaldivar, M. (2018, January). Where are we headed? The future of ePortfolios in higher education. Invited Plenary Panel at Digital Learning and E-Portfolios Forum, Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting (AAC&U). Washington, D.C.
Ferracuti, A. & Sweet, M. (2018, August). Team-based learning: Effective group work and inclusive practices. Keynote presented at Dean’s Annual Retreat on Inclusive Pedagogies, Amherst College, Amherst, MA.
Sweet, M. (2018, January). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited keynote at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s annual all-faculty retreat, Dartmouth, MA.
Sweet M. (2018, April). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited keynote at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburgh, TX.
Sweet, M. (2017, January). Teaching for critical thinking. Invited workshop at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA.
Sweet, M. (2017, February). Designing effective group activities in your discipline. Invited workshop at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Sweet, M. (2017, February). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Sweet, M. (2017, October). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop for Harvard University’s Learning Incubator (Linc), Cambridge, MA.
Sweet, M., & Schuldt, H. E. Y. (2017, July). Calibrating graduate students to a productive research culture. Presentation at the 54th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (ASME-AMD Joint Conference).
Matthews-DeNatale, G. (2016, June). Course design institute: Lenses on blended learning. (Invited Workshop). School of Dental Medicine, Tufts University. Boston, MA.
Matthews-DeNatale, G. (2016, May). eLearning design & learning analytics: Challenges and opportunities. (Invited Workshop). eVolution in eLearning Conference, Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium. Fairfield, CT.
Sweet, M. (2016, January). Developing effective group activities in your discipline. Invited workshop at Merrimack College, North Andover, MA.
Sweet, M. (2016, January). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop at Merrimack College, North Andover, MA.
Sweet, M. (2016, February). Classroom mindfulness practices to increase attention, creativity, and deep engagement. Invited workshop at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK.
Sweet, M. (2016, February). Teaching for critical thinking. Invited workshop at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK.
Sweet, M. (2016, February). The flipped classroom: Effective practices and common pitfalls. Invited workshop at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK.
Sweet, M. (2016, March). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop at LASPAU’s Innovative Teaching for Deeper Learning series for Universidad Diego Portales (Santiago, Chile). Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Sweet, M. (2016, April). Designing effective group activities in your discipline. Invited workshop at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
Sweet, M. (2016, April). The flipped classroom: Effective practices and common pitfalls; Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
Sweet, M. (2016, May). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop at Bryant University, Smithfield, RI.
Sweet, M. (2016, October). Designing effective group activities in your discipline. Invited workshop at Suffolk University, Boston, MA.
Sweet, M. (2016, October). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop at Suffolk University, Boston, MA.
Sweet, M. (2016, December). Classroom mindfulness practices to increase attention, creativity, and deep engagement. Invited workshop at the State University of New York (SUNY), Albany, NY.
Sweet, M. (2016, December). Teaching for critical thinking. Invited workshop at the State University of New York (SUNY), Albany, NY.
Matthews-DeNatale, G. & Poklop, L. (2015, June). Eportfolios as a platform for multimodal projects. Invited pre-conference workshop at the Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) Annual Conference. Boston, MA.
Sweet, M. (2015, April). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshops at Thiel College, Greenville, PA.
Sweet, M. (2015, April). Developing effective group activities in your discipline. Invited workshop at Thiel College, Greenville, PA.
Sweet, M. (2015, May). Team-based learning: Group work that works. University of São Paolo, Consortium STHEM, Lorena, Brazil.
Matthews-DeNatale, G., & Poklop, L. (2014, March). Connecting the dots: Integrating learning with eportfolios. Invited workshop presented at Faculty Development Day, College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University. Boston, MA.
Sweet, M. (2014, March). Learning Is? Invited keynote presentation at the annual conference of international Team-Based Learning Collaborative, Fort Worth, TX.
Sweet, M. (2014, March). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop for Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas (LASPAU), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Sweet, M. (2014, August). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop for Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas (LASPAU), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Sweet, M. (2013, October). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop at Primer Programa Internacional Universia sobre Innovación en la Enseñanza. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú.
Sweet, M. (2013, December). Team-based learning: Group work that works. Invited workshop for the Interactive Teaching and Learning Conference, Taibah University, Medinah, Saudi Arabia.