Below you will find presentations given by Teaching and Learning Scholars. Authors who are Teaching and Learning Scholars are in bold so that you may connect directly with them.
Conference Presentations Beyond Northeastern
de la Parra, J., Stanley, J., Foster, S., Webb, C., & Lykourinou, V. (under revision). Crafting a more environmentally benign extraction and analysis of pharmaceutical precursors from a medicinal plant: A student-led innovation. Journal of Chemistry Education.
Brown, Colin. (2020, February). Feedback loop: Reflections form a peer review-intensive seminar. American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Hertz, J.L., Whalen, R., Mukasa, C., Sangster, J. (2020, June). 4th time around: Do classes get better with instructor repetition? Presentation at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada.
Pierce, J., Larson, B. (2020, June), Conducting Peer Evaluations with the TEAMMATES App. Virtual presentation at the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society annual conference.
Pogge, E., Sibicky, S., Niehoff, K. (2020, November) Learn today, apply tomorrow: Assessment tools for preceptors and practitioners. Platform presentation, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Kissimmee, FL.
Van de Ven-Moloney, A. (2020, November). Strategies to promote student engagement in research during the Covid-19 pandemic. American Association for Cancer Education Engagement Lounge Webinar Series.
Van de Ven-Moloney, A. (2020, August). Digital resilience for engaged Learning: 5 years of technologies used and lessons learned. American Association for Cancer Education Engagement Lounge Webinar Series.
Van de Ven-Moloney, A. (2020, January). Broadening access to resource-intensive courses through multi-institutional virtual learning. Invited Poster. NSF Innovations in Graduate Education PI Meeting. Washington D.C.
Brown, Colin. (2019, June). Teaching peer review in political science. International Teaching and Learning Conference, Brighton, UK.
Garneau, K., Keeling, B., Nardone, L. (2019, March). Performing the possible: Embodied presences/embodied knowledge in the online writing class. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Pittsburgh, PA.
Garneau, K., Nardone, L. (2019, November) “A little bit louder now”: Using voice-driven assignments to foster confident college writers. National Council of Teachers of English Convention, Houston, TX.
Hertz, J. L., Daviero, N. (2019, June) We own this: A class patent system as experiential learning. Presentation at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL.
Kostka, I., & Bunning, L. (2019, March). Fostering communication during service-learning: Goals, strategies, and outcomes. Research presentation at TESOL International Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Mackie, W. A. (2019, April). Leveraging Blackboard’s hidden features in an educational study: A use case. Poster presented at the Technology in Teaching Expo (TEXPO). Northeastern University. Boston, MA.
Matuk, C., Sutherland, S.C., Althof, W., Snodgrass, S., Partlan, N., Smith, G., Seif El-Nasr, & Harteveld, C. (2019). Synergies between research and game design: Reflections on interactive narrative experiments by student game designers. Poster presentation at the AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Mylott, L. & Rico, J. (2019, May) Impact of web-based peer discussion on leadership development in graduate nurses. Poster presented at the Nursing Research Day, Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston, MA.
Mylott, L. & Rico, J. (2019). Impact of on-line peer discussion on leadership development in graduate nurses. Keynote Presentation at Nursing Education Congress, Toronto, Canada.
Shorey, K. (2019, May). Argument evaluation through problem-based learning. Presentation at the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences 7th Teaching and Education Conference, London, UK.
Gouldstone, A., Smyser, B.M. (2018, June). Quantitative literacy in capstone design. Presentation at the National Capstone Design Conference, Rochester, NY.
Hertz, J.L. (2018, June). Confidently uncomfortable: First year student ambiguity tolerance and self-efficacy on open-ended design problems. Presentation at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.
Mackie, W. A., Honda, T. J. (2018, October). Student evaluations of instructors correlate poorly with summative outcomes. Poster presented at the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) Conference, Education Forum. Anaheim, CA.
Navarrete, E. , Lykourinou, V. , Perrier, J., Rajic, L. (2018, June) From research to the teaching labs: Crafting research inspired laboratory projects for general chemistry laboratories using undergraduate students as active participants in the design and implementation of an electrochemistry water remediation project. Presentation at the ACS Green Chemistry Conference, Portland, OR.
Shirley, H.Ca, Navarrete E.Ca, Perrier J.Ma, Lykourinou Va., Cannon Ab. (2018). Integrating green chemistry and toxicology into general chemistry. Poster presented at ICCE (25th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education), Sydney, Australia. Poster Presentation (students earned poster award), at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, and Beyond Benign Institute for Green Chemistry Education, Wilmington, MA.
Shorey, K. (2018, October) Argument evaluation: An interdisciplinary sequence. Presentation at Magna Teaching with Technology Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Smyser, B.M. (2018, June). Voice of the students: Continuous lab course improvement using student feedback. Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT.
Day, L. J. (2017, April). Does motivation or learning-strategies develop in a flipped-classroom. Presentation at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal (FASEB), Chicago, IL.
Edwards, L., Garneau, K., Moss, T., Nardone, L.. (2017, May). Best practices for creating community: Online and hybrid writing course strategies and their application to the traditional writing classroom. New England Summer Conference on College Composition and Communication, Boston, MA.
Fahey, M. L. (2017, April). Modular learning in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program. Presentation at the Technology and Teaching Expo (TEXPO), Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
Ho, H. (2017, July). Collaborative performative learning assists in the acquisition of core music-theoretic concepts. Poster session for the Society of Music Perception and Cognition, University of California, San Diego, CA.
Lykourinou, V., Navarrete, E., Rovira, A., & de la Parra, J.(2017, June). A student designed curriculum: Developing a project-based introductory chemistry laboratory course. Workshop facilitated at the 7th EuroVariety Conference on Chemistry Education, Belgrade, Serbia.
Sibicky S. (2017, July). A tool to enhance metacognitive skills using self-reflective writing. Topical roundtable at the 118thAnnual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Nashville, TN.
Begley, G. Horak, R., Drewsbury, B. Herzog, J., Merkel, S. (2016, June). Inclusive teaching in the microbial sciences. ASM Microbe Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Rovira, A., Lykourinou, V., de la Parra, J. (2016, September). Students as participants in curriculum redesign: development of a project based introductory chemistry laboratory curriculum. European Conference of Research in Chemical Education (ECRICE) Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Smyser, B.M. and Tariq, S. B., (2016, June). After lab ends: How students analyze and interpret experimental data. Presentation at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Begley, G. Roe, L., Berkey, B. Schuldt, H. (2015, November). Undergraduates as innovation partners in teaching & learning: Lessons from the service-learning teaching assistant program. International Association for Research in Service-Learning & Community Engagement Conference. Boston, MA.
Begley, G. (2015, June). How students learn: Deep vs strategic learning. ASM Assessment Institute in Washington, DC.
Begley, G. (2015, June). Integrating core competencies & skills for deeper learning. ASM Assessment Institute in Washington, DC.
Begley, G. (2015, March). Developing engaged scientists and citizens: A network of partnerships for effective service-learning. [Poster] American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Experimental Biology. Boston, MA.
Day. L. J. (2015, March). Long-term retention and effectiveness in a large-sized flipped gross anatomy course for Doctoral of Physical Therapy students. Presentation at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal (FASEB), Boston, MA.
Ho, H., Epstein, M. (2015, August). Interdisciplinary teaching of music perception and cognition using asynchronous teaching methodologies. Presentation for the Society of Music Perception and Cognition, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Northeastern Conference Presentations
Di Credico, A., Fahey, M.L., Garneau, K., Hagen, D., Laboy, M., Mackie, W.A, Nardone, L. Raytcheva, D., Sivak, M., Shorey, K. (2019, June). SoTL-in-Progress: Locating yourself in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Northeastern. Panel presentation at the Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning. Northeastern University. Boston, MA.
Frazitta, S., & Bunning, L. (2019, April). Making co-curricular learning visible to international students through faculty advisor collaboration. Practice-oriented presentation at Northeastern University’s Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning, Boston, MA.
Nardone, L. (2019, April). Boundary crossing and guarding in a two-semester writing class. Conference for Advanced Evidence-Based Learning, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
Shorey, K. (2019, April). The debrief is the main event. Presentation at Northeastern University’s Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Learning, Boston, MA.
Bunning, L. (2018, October). What are students thinking? International pathway students’ perspectives on their in-class participation. Research poster presentation at Northeastern University College of Professional Studies Faculty Development Conference, Boston, MA.
Begley, G.S., Berkey, B., Roe, L. and Schuldt, H. (2017, May). Building bridges, not walls: Structuring collaborative cross-departmental research. Workshop presented at the Northeastern University Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Boston, MA.
Bunning, L., & Malm, H. (2017, April). Focusing attention on communication in a service-learning course for international students. Research presentation at Northeastern University’s Conference for Advancing Evidence-based Teaching, Boston, MA.
Hertz, J.L. (2017, May). Improving first year students’ self-efficacy and ability on open-ended problems. Presentation at the Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Boston, MA.
Jaeggli, M. (2017, May). Do real-world examples and case studies improve student motivation in an engineering statistics course? Presentation at the Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Boston, MA.
Sibicky S. (2017, May). A tool to enhance metacognitive skills using self-reflective writing. Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
Smyser, B.M. (2017, May). Make it better: Using student feedback for continuous lab improvement. Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Boston, MA.
Begley, G.S., Berkey, B., Roe, L. and Schuldt, H. (2016, May). Undergraduate service-learning teaching assistants support faculty development in diverse ways. Poster presented at the Northeastern University Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Boston, MA.
Hertz, J.L. (2016, May). Improv engineering: Games to improve student risk tolerance. Presentation at the Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Boston, MA.
Smyser, B.M. (2015, May). How do students analyze and interpret experimental data? Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Boston, MA.