Conference Proceedings
Below you will find conference proceedings, in which Teaching and Learning Scholars have been published. Teaching and Learning Scholars are in bold so that you may connect directly with them.
Sangster, J. (2021). Classroom talking points. American Society of Engineering Education, 2020 Annual Conference Proceedings.
Hertz, J.L., Whalen, R., Mukasa, C., Sangster, J. (2020). 4th time around: Do classes get better with instructor repetition? ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, paper ID#29367.
Goodman, P., & Bennett, E. E. (2019). Integrating transformative learning with Northeastern University’s Self-Authored Integrated Learning (SAIL) tool: Implications for HRD. Proceedings of the 2019 University Forum for Human Resource Development. Nottingham, U.K.: UFHRD
Hertz, J. L., Daviero, N. (2019) We own this: A class patent system as experiential learning. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, paper ID#25363.
Laboy, M. (2019, July) Integrating design, science and systems thinking for active learning. Proceedings of the International Conference of Structures and Architecture. Taylor & Francis: Lisbon, Portugal.
Sangster, J. (2019). Privilege and diversity as determiners of engineering identity and success. American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Annual Conference Proceedings.
Hertz, J.L., (2018). Confidently uncomfortable: First year student ambiguity tolerance and self-efficacy on open-ended design problems. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, paper ID#23114.
Partlan, N., Carstensdottir, E., Snodgrass, S., Kleinman, E., Smith, G., Harteveld, C., & Seif El-Nasr, M. (2018). Exploratory automated analysis of structural features of interactive narrative. In Proceedings of AIIDE. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence: Menlo Park, CA. [Acceptance: 26%]
Harteveld, C., Manning, N., Abu-Arja, F., Menasce, R., Thurston, D., Smith, G., & Sutherland, S.C. (2017). Design of playful authoring tools for social and behavioral science. In IUI ’17 Companion: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion. ACM Press: New York, NY. [Acceptance: 18%]